Trials of the Apocalypse
Trials of the Apocalypse is an actual play anthology podcast telling humorous, thrilling, and heartfelt short stories with Powered by the Apocalypse games. For each new system we showcase, we explain the basics of the game and collaboratively build our characters and the setting. You can start from the beginning, or with whichever story interests you the most! Games featured so far include Apocalypse World, Undying, Ghost Lines, Brindlewood Bay, The Watch, Monster of the Week, Pigsmoke, and The Between: Ghosts of El Paso.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Apocalypse World Setup
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
The one where everyone kind-of learns the rules and Forrest lies to a child.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Apocalypse World Ep. 1 ”Ruffians, in my establishment?!”
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
The one where there are ruffians in Crispin's establishment.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Apocalypse World Ep. 2 ”Can I eat it?”
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
The one where the party considers a book burning but settles for public urination.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Apocalypse World Ep. 3 ”What do you do with your last seconds of life?”
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
The one where Spot helps Crispin finally get weird, and Forrest suffers the horror's of Max's mind.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Undying Setup
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
The one where Mick Jagger might be a vampire, and yet somehow we forget about it.
[ 0:00:24 - Introduction to players and game ][ 0:04:52 - Blood, humanity, debt and status ][ 0:16:38 - Basic moves, GM moves ][ 0:38:35 - Establish our vampire lore ][ 1:18:04 - Character introductions and playbooks ][ 1:28:59 - Setting and relationship map ][ 1:35:42 - Character owed debts and humanity ]
Featuring:| Amy as Annie || Dave as Duke Smith || David as Game Master || Phill as Dr. Soren Klimmik |
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Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Undying Ep. 1 ”The Legion of Decency will not stand for this.”
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
The one where the vampires are the ones conducting the interviews, and the party waxes critical of 1940s slang.
CW: references to murder, sex work, some coarse language
[ 0:00:00 - Previously on Trials of the Apocalypse ][ 0:04:30 - Annie's establishment, a chat with the LAPD ][ 0:11:12 - A little birdie ordered me ][ 0:23:40 - Walter Jean, Princep of LA ][ 0:34:37 - A trip to Hollywood ][ 0:53:27 - Unpacking suspicions and next steps ]
Featuring:| Amy as Annie || Dave as Duke Smith || David as Game Master || Phill as Dr. Soren Klimmik |
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Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Undying Ep. 2 ”Go kill a man for Mommy.”
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
The one where Duke's pal Dick helps Soren meet his maker, neon signs are a subject of hot debate, and Annie makes an important discovery in the garbage.
CW: references to murder, sex work, gambling, human trafficking, some coarse language, awkward parental relationship
[ 0:00:00 - Previously on Trials of the Apocalypse ][ 0:04:28 - Duke invokes Bad Company, Dick enters the scene ][ 0:13:41 - A meeting with Giselle ][ 0:32:14 - Preparing to Meddle ][ 0:41:27 - Soren checks in with the LAPD ][ 0:53:50 - Annie and Duke investigate a missing person ]
Featuring:| Amy as Annie || Dave as Duke Smith || David as Game Master || Phill as Dr. Soren Klimmik |
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Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Undying Ep. 3 ”I never forget a face.”
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The one where Duke has an old friend for dinner, Soren does things unbecoming of a psychologist, and Annie secures an invite to a party.
CW: references to murder, predation, sex work, gambling, human trafficking, some coarse language and graphic violence
[ 0:00:00 - Previously on Trials of the Apocalypse ][ 0:08:34 - The three meet back at Shade'n'Shine ][ 0:13:25 - Soren feeds ][ 0:22:30 - Duke feeds ][ 0:30:07 - Introducing Jonathan Greenglass ][ 0:47:41 - Greenglass extends an invitation ]
Featuring:| Amy as Annie || Dave as Duke Smith || David as Game Master || Phill as Dr. Soren Klimmik |
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Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Undying Ep. 4 ”They‘ll believe almost anything.”
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
The one where things get bloody at a party for vampires, and attaining status comes at a cost.
CW: graphic violence, references to murder, predation, sex work, gambling, human trafficking, some coarse language
[ 0:00:00 - Previously on Trials of the Apocalypse ][ 0:09:21 - Introducing Algernon ][ 0:18:25 - An ultimatum is issued ][ 0:32:38 - Investigation and cleanup ][ 0:40:49 - The basement ][ 0:56:36 - Downtime play begins ]
Featuring:| Amy as Annie || Dave as Duke Smith || David as Game Master || Phill as Dr. Soren Klimmik |
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